Mag. Delyana Trandeva-Yankova, BA

Magistra Delyana Trandeva-Yankova stands for excellent expertise and experience in the fields of orthopedics and sports traumatology. She owes her comprehensive know-how and empathetic understanding of different people and needs, among other things, to diverse further training and many years of cooperation with the Austrian national badminton team. Through the therapeutic accompaniment of the athletes during their preparation for the European Championships, the World Championships and their participation in the Olympic Games, she gained additional important experience for her daily work with the patients. Patience and responsibility are among her strengths, and these skills also serve her well as a mother of two. She is very excited to now be part of the team to provide PhysioSteps² patients with her in-depth expertise for individualized and effective therapies.

“Take good care of your body.
It’s the only place you have to live.”